Monthly Archives: December 2013

Do you use racist language?

Yes, racism creeps into our everyday language. Do you try to avoid it? Correct someone if they use this type of language? Should we? What do you think?

Discrimination cost money

Ally Financial charged minorities more for loans. Must make it right.

This guy should be given the Stupid Award! Don’t you think?



What does the Bible say about Homosexuality?


12 years a slave. Do Whites always have to come to the rescue?

Question is do whites always have to come to the rescue in movies such as 12 years a slave? Amistad? The Help? Blind side? and others. What do you think?

There does seem to always be a White who comes to the rescue…what do you think?

Slavery In America

Learn more about slavery in the U.S…


Jesus: a white man?

The area from where Jesus, the historical figure, came from tells us that the inhibitants were not white. So, why do talk show pandits, like M. Kelly say that Jesus was white? Oh, yeah, that’s how he is portrayed in early movies,he also had blue eyes,  Come on, people, who are you fooling? Get with it this 2013.