Monthly Archives: June 2014

Education Leader not a role model

People are entitled to their own opinions and freedom of speech. Yet I worry when public officials, be it a Congresswoman, Senator, Governor, Police Chief or State Superintendent of Education, etc. make statements that “sound racists.”  This is my opinion of Dr. Huppenthal, Superintendent of Education, for the state of Arizona, he is a public official, charged with the education of all children K-12, and he is not a role model! His anonymous blogs, are deplorable. He has referred to those on public assistance as “lazy pigs,” and he has called for the elimination of all Spanish language media in Arizona. He refuses to resign, which may be his freedom of Choice. He is however, up for election in August, and my hope is that he is not reelected as the state’s educational leader.  Someone, please tell me where have all these haters been hiding for so long? 

For more information click the following:

Author Jan Wahl Still Sees Children as Our Greatest Hope

I had an opportunity to chat with one of my favorite children’s authors, Jan Wahl, from Toledo, Ohio. He was born on April Fool’s Day, sometime during the 1930s.

As is my tradition, while chatting with Jan, I was actually interviewing him because I wanted to know him better. He has written over 100 children’s books, many are already out of print.  Jan lived in Mexico and Denmark. He collects Mickey Mouse objects, and wears a Mickey Mouse watch. He is sometimes referred to as Dr. Mouse, apparently a name given to him by a child. He attended the University of Michigan.

I first met Jan Wahl when our no longer in existence organization, Cambios, brought him to read to children in a couple of our Lenawee County public schools. We purchased about 100 copies of his book The Candy Shop, a book that dealt with “racism” and how children find ways to deal with it.  The book was donated to every elementary in the county, and the public libraries. A few years ago, Alexander Elementary school brought Jan to read to students, at my recommendation.

I asked Jan to tell me which was his favority book (of the over 100 he had written). He thought for about a second and responded How the Children won the War!  He added that he still believes that children may have the solutions to our problems.  Jan gave me a copy of this book several years ago and I plan to pass it on to my great neice, Madeline, because I too think that the children will find the solutions.

I look forward to reading his new publication The Long Tall Journey, to be released in the fall.

This is a link with a book list